We organize unlikely alliances with the goal of justly building more clean energy.

The Energy Builders project provides education, training, legal, communications and organizing support with rural communities who want to see more clean energy built in their towns.

Storm clouds passing over a Nebraska farm.

We believe an unlikely alliance of farmers, ranchers, Tribal Nations, union workers and climate advocates will transform America’s energy landscape bringing energy freedom and land justice to our rural towns. All while building wealth at the local level.

Specifically, Bold’s Energy Builders project helps:

  • Organize communities around fair zoning that brings energy parity across all sectors. It is not fair that fossil fuel corporations use eminent domain for their private gain. It is also not fair that fossil fuel corporations are not required to have decommissioning plans in place. Wind and solar projects do not use eminent domain and have decommissioning plans in place. We want to see those same good policies applied to fossil fuel projects as well. That is fairness. That is energy parity.
  • Address concerns from land use and our visual landscapes to balance the development of clean energy with the needs we have at the local level. Push back on disinformation from fossil fuel corporations. Big Oil is spreading misinformation so communities stay locked into only oil and gas. In order to have true energy freedom in our country, we need to diversify our energy sources to include wind and solar.
  • Generate wealth for those who live in the towns where clean energy is being built. A key component of the Energy Builders’ project is to create an “American Energy Dividend” that gets paid to citizens in the county where the clean energy projects are built. We will also create “Community Benefit Agreements” so people who live and work the land get to make decisions on what is best for their town. This is a clear contrast to what fossil fuel corporations have done for decades which is to run roughshod over families using eminent domain and leaving pollution as a lasting legacy.
  • Build unlikely alliances of farmers, ranchers, union workers, Tribal Nations and climate advocates so we are creating clean energy projects for the long haul that benefit all of us not just a few at the top.
  • Elect candidates who support ending eminent domain for private gain, fair zoning, good paying union jobs and building wealth at the local level.

Meet our team

Jane Kleeb

Founder and Director

Malinda Frevert

Chief of Staff

Kenny Bruno


Paul Tewes


Matt Hildreth

Organizing Partner (RuralOrganizing.org)

Terrell McKinney

Land Justice Director

Peter Conklin


Annie Contractor

Organizing Partner (RuralOrganizing.org)

Mark Hefflinger

Communications Director

Shelli Meyer

State Organizer, Nebraska

Mike Graalum

State Organizer, North Dakota

Cindy Shepherd

State Organizer, Illinois